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Up 18% in China! Exports of Scotch whisky exceed £6bn for the first time
来源:  2023-03-29 20:34 作者:

Post-pandemic restocking, the return of Global Travel Retail and premiumisation trends all contributed to growth in volume and value for Scotch Whisky in 2022.  Global exports of Scotch whisky topped £6bn for the first time in 2022, according to new figures released by the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA).

Post-pandemic restocking, the return of global travel retail and the upmarket trend contributed to Scotch export growth in 2022. Scotch whisky exports rose 37 per cent to £6.2 billion during the year. Exports also rose 21 percent to 1.67 billion bottles.

In 2022, the value of Scotch Whisky exports was up 37% by value, to £6.2bn. The number of 70cl bottles exported also grew by 21% to the equivalent of 1.67bn.

The Asia-Pacific region overtook the EU as the industry’s largest regional market, with double-digit growth in Taiwan, Singapore, India and China as the post-Covid recovery continued.

Chinese consumers have long been known for their interest in Scotch whisky, and helped China place sixth in the value ranking. The value of exports to China grew by 18% last year to reach £233m, (US$281.1m) up from £198m (US$238.9m) in 2021.

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