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The intoxicating rise of Ningxia's wines
来源:  2023-01-29 17:32 作者:

The arid northwestern region has slowly become one of China's major wine-producing areas, and now turns out 130 million bottles a year. According to official data, there were 35,000 hectares of vineyards in the region last year, nearly one-third of the country's total.

The region's burgeoning wine industry has also attracted winery owners and promoters from around the world.

Some 60 international winemakers from 20 countries have been invited by the Ningxia government to improve local vineyard management and winemaking skills. Christelle Chene, 36, was born in France's Burgundy region, which has been long associated with winemaking.

Before coming to Ningxia, she worked for a company selling French wines to Chinese consumers. Since 2019, she has been working for the Xige Estate in the Helan Mountains, promoting Ningxia wine to the international market.

Chene initially thought the job would be tough as few wine importers abroad knew much about Chinese wines, but as a result of the country's vast and rapidly expanding market, more and more people are beginning to pay attention. She sends samples to wine vendors, and the quality is often convincing enough for them to consider conducting further business.

Ningxia wines have also won many international awards in recent years, which has greatly increased their popularity.

Despite the impact of COVID-19 on global logistics, Xige Estate's wine sales have remained stable.

"An increasing number of Chinese people and expats are willing to choose local wines, and that's a good change," Chene said.

As her career has flourished, Chene has bought a home in Ningxia and plans to stay for the next few years.

"I've tried my best to promote Ningxia wine. For me, it's not just my job, it's my passion," she said.

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