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EMW Fine Wines signs world’s biggest organic wine producer for China
来源:Vino Joy News  2022-12-20 22:23 作者:

EMW Fine Wines (Shanghai) Limited and Emiliana, the world’s largest organic winery in Chile, has signed an exclusive import and distribution agreement for the winery’s Novas, Coyam and Gê wines for mainland China in anticipation of growing consumer demand for organic products.

Founded by brothers Rafael and José Guilisasti, the winery began its conversation from traditional viticulture to a conventional Chilean winery into a 100% organic and biodynamic estate in late 1990s.

Today, Emiliana Organic Vineyards, covering nearly 1,300 hectares of land in such famous wine regions as Colchagua, Maipo, and Casablanca Valley, is the largest organic and biodynamic wine producer in the world.

Biodynamic vineyards at the Los Robles estate, Emiliana Organic Vineyards, Chile (pic: handout)

It has authorized organic certificates in many countries like Chile, the USA, the UK, Japan and China. In 2018, Emiliana entered the list of “Top 50 Most Admired Wine Brands” according to Drinks International. In 2021, Emiliana has sold one million 9-liter organic cases to more than 50 countries and regions around the world.

Coyam is the winery’s first organic wine release in 2003. It is an elegant and complex red blend from the Los Robles Estate in the Colchagua Valley. In 2005, the Novas Gran Reserva line, a faithful representation of Chile’s prestigious wine valleys, was created. Just a year later, it released its first biodynamic wine Gê, the icon wine from the Los Robles estate.

Speaking of the partnership, Olivier Six, CEO of EMW Fine Wines, says: “I am thrilled that EMW Fine Wines has established a cooperation with such a visionary winery. Emiliana is doing a fantastic job in organic and biodynamic viticulture. It is one of the most exciting pieces of news of the end of the year I would like to share with EMW friends and partners at the particular time when our 20th anniversary is around the corner.”

“Emiliana Organic Vineyards and EMW believe that choosing organic wine is beyond a healthy lifestyle. It is more about sustainability and the environment. We wish to continue bringing great wines to Chinese consumers in the following decade and more.”

Cristian Rodriguez, CEO of Emiliana Organic Vineyards, expects the partnership will sate Chinese wine consumer’s growing demand for organic wines. “We are very proud to start our journey with EMW, one of the leading importers and distributors in China, a great builder of premium brands, and a company with a tremendous team of people and experience.

“For us, China will be a priority market to work in the coming years, as we believe that consumers will value organic products made with respect for nature and extreme care for quality more and more. Our goal is for every Chinese consumer to know our products and for us to position Emiliana as an important organic winery in China’s market through our premium wines. We will do our best to build a great alliance with EMW.”

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