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French wine exports to China surging by 56%
来源:  2022-02-24 11:25 作者:

According to figures released by the Fédération des Exportateurs de Vins et Spiritueux de France (FEVS), French wine export sales reached a record high of €15.5 billion, with exports to China surging by 56% last year.


Exports of Champagne, wine and Cognac struck a new high in 2021. According to data released by the French Wine and Spirits Exporters Federation on 15 February, French wine exports reached a record high of €15.5 billion in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 28%.


This marks a strong bounce-back of French wine exports across all countries. The US is the largest export destination of French wine and spirits, accounting for more than a quarter of the total sales of French wine exports. The country has regained its role as the leading importer of French wine.


In Asia, French wine exports surged by 56% to €1.26 billion in the Chinese market. The growth rate of exports to South Korea exceeded 60%, and exports to Singapore also increased significantly.


As for spirits, Cognac continues to attract more and more international consumers and hit a record high (€3.6 billion) in 2021, driven by major brands such as LVMH, Pernod Ricard and Rémy Cointreau.

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