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Wine Consumption in China fallen sharply
来源  2021-04-22 14:32 作者:
Wine Consumption in China has fallen sharply, impacting on global figures, according to the OIV. 
After a long period of significant expansion (2000-2015), the growth of the Chinese vineyard(785 kha) in 2020, is slowing down (+0.6% /2019) for the fifth year in a row. According to the results of the Third National Agricultural Census in China, data on the area under vines have been significantly revised, consequently putting China in the third position in vineyard areas in the world in 2019 and 2020, after Spain and France. 
The new data available for China indicate an estimated vinified production of 6.6 mhl in 2020, marking a decrease of -16% with respect to the already declining production level of 2019. This is a sharp decline in wine production for the fourth year in a row, a signal that the development of the Chinese wine sector could be more uncertain than previously expected. A potential explanation for this negative trend is the structural problems (such as difficult climate conditions, technological constraints and overall low productivity) facing China, which are making the Chinese wine industry less competitive compared to imported wines.
Concerning China, 2020 wine consumption is estimated at 12.4 mhl, showing a 17.4% drop with respect to 2019. The strict lockdown measures in the first quarter of the year certainly played a role. However, considering that this is a sharp decline for the third consecutive year, the rapid growth in wine consumption that started at the beginning of the century seems at its end9.Japan, the second highest consuming country in Asia, shows a stable level of consumption for the seventh consecutive year, estimated at 3.5 mhl.In South America, overall wine consumption increased in 2020 compared to 2019. 
编辑:Frida Xu
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