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China has huge market potential for Scotch whisky exports
来源  2021-03-16 17:41 作者:
China is not only a huge market for Scotch, but one of the biggest markets for spirits in the world. It’s a hugely important market and, like Australia, made its debut in the top 10 in 2020. While the majority of the biggest Scotch whisky export markets declined over the course of a year defined by a pandemic, exports to China increased by 20.4% – one of only two top 10 markets to post a double-digit increase (the other being Latvia).
Taking a wider picture, the value of Scotch exports has grown from less than £10 million in the early 2000s to £107 million in 2020, and with the largest population on earth (1.4 billion), the potential to grow further is mind-boggling.
One factor supporting its success has been the fact that import tariffs to China are currently just 5%. However access to the market and navigating its complicated distribution channels, not to mention multiple language barriers, can make exporting to China complicated. But for those who persevere the rewards are great.
编辑:Frida Xu
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—— 融媒体矩阵 ——
