科通国际展览(广州)有限公司主办的2020年8月14-16日,24届中国(广州)国际名酒展将在广州琶洲·广交会展馆B区隆重举办!3天展期,100+重磅大咖助阵盛会,全球葡萄酒行业新趋势、新机遇、新业态,新资讯尽在 INTERWINE,2020年全球最大的专业葡萄酒烈酒展诚邀您的到来!
Jesús Gracia
Dear firends,
In these troubled times of the pandemic we can find some reasons for optimism. One of them is the celebration of the 24th interwine and spirit exhibition that will take place in Guanzhou starting August 14th.
I am very proud of the participation of some relevant Spanish companies in this event, and I am sure that this will contribute to help us regain a certain degree of the “new normal life”.
Spain is the fourth supplier of wine to China, with exports last year of over 148 million euro . These figures are growing year on year, in quantity and in quality, with a relevant increase of imports of high quality wines . This trend means, that Chinese consumers are aware of the variety and quality of Spanish wines, from different denominations of origin and a great variety of grapes, that make spanish wines an excellent choice for every occasion.
I wish that this fair will help you to know better the outstanding characteristics of Spanish wines and will provide a fruitful space for exchanging experiences and business opportunities for all participants. I wish you a great success.
Jesús Gracia
Consul General of Spain in Guangzhou
Jesús Gracia
Andre Sobral Cordeiro
Portugal has the oldest wine region in the world and is keen on having Portuguese wine in every house in China. It is my pleasure to salute the organization of the 24th Interwine 2020 China (Guangzhou) International Wines & Spirits Exhibition for being able to set up such a relevant exhibition once again. In this world still in pandemics, it is highly important that we keep following ahead as much as possible, like Interwine.
葡萄牙拥有世界上最古老的葡萄酒产区,并且热衷于让葡萄牙葡萄酒在中国的每家每户都能买到。很高兴第24届Interwine 2020中国(广州)国际葡萄酒与烈酒展览会能够再次举办这样的展览。在这个仍处于大流行病的世界里,我们像Interwine一样尽可能地紧跟潮流是非常重要的。
Andre Sobral Cordeiro
Agustín Alberto Núñez
I am really proud to promote an excellent Argentine product: wine.
It is the result of the balance between nature wisdom and the work of man. The characteristics of its elaboration make it a unique product: the grapes grow at the foot of the Andes range of mountains from which the water is obtained, the sun shines all year round to grant the necessary maturity and the hand of man already has more than a century of experience in transforming the vine.
All this is combined in a drink like no other which is now in the Chinese market for those who know its excellent quality and want to savor it.
Agustín Alberto Núñez
Consul General of Argentina in Guangzhou
Agustín Alberto Núñez
Eli Lipshitz
The unique style of Israeli wine reflects the customs of Israel, also it is a bridge to Israeli culture. I am happy to know that the 24th Interwine China will be held during August 14-16. I wish Interwine China a great success.
Eli Lipshitz
Deputy Consul General
Consulate General of Israel in Guangzhou
Carlos Giralt-Cabrales
I congratulate Interwine for the organization of their 24th International Wines & Spirits edition in Guangzhou. This is a reflection of China’s faith in forging ahead through difficult times, as well as to continue building bridges between our different countries and cultures.
It is my hope that in the near future, our Tequila will be have a bigger presence within the distributors and consumers in China. Our national beverage is worldwide renowned and its acceptance in southern China has been growing in recent years; but surely, there are more opportunities to explore!
I look forward to the success of this event, and to the doors it may open for collaboration between Mexico and China, whose peoples have been engaging in commercial exchanges since the 16th century.
Carlos Giralt-Cabrales
Consul General of Mexico
Carlos Giralt-Cabrales
罗道夫· 蒙特西诺
Me es muy grato dirigirme a los organizadores de INTERWINE 2020, para felicitarlos por la importante labor que desarolla para la difusión del vino en Guangzhou.
Esta importante feria ha permitido el incremento de comercio entre nuestros países y el conocimiento entre empresarios chinos y chilenos.
Rodolfo Montecinos
Consulate General of Chile in Guangzhou
很高兴能向INTERWINE 2020年的组织者致辞,我衷心祝贺他们在广州为推广葡萄酒所做的一切工作而取得的成绩。这次博览会非常重要,它促进了两国之间的贸易,使得智利商人与中国商人之间的联系更加紧密!
罗道夫· 蒙特西诺
Martín Alvez
I am delighted to learn that the 24th INTERWINE - 2020 China (Guangzhou) International Wine & Spirit Exhibition will be held this coming August. This event will undoubtedly be a great boost to the global wine industry in this post-epidemic period. I wish Interwine China every success, and look forward to seeing Uruguay wines at the exhibition.
Martín Alvez
Consul-General of URUGUAY in Guangzhou
Martín Alvez
Aitor Mate
“Interwine se ha reinventado para consolidarse, en este 2020 tan especial, como el referente
para la promoción de vinos y bebidas alcohólicas en el sur de China. España, gracias a su
geografía y clima privilegiados, así como a la aplicación de las más modernas técnicas de
cultivo, fermentación y envejecimiento del vino, ofrece una extensa variedad de vinos de la
más alta calidad, lo que nos ha posicionado como primer exportador de vino del mundo. Deseo
que esta 24º edición de Interwine sea un éxito y les invito a descubrir la calidad y diversidad de
los vinos españoles este agosto en Guangzhou.”
Aitor Mate
Consejero Económico y Comercial Jefe
在这个特殊的2020年 ,作为在中国南方推广葡萄酒和酒精饮料的标志性展览, Interwine 重塑并巩固了自己的品牌。西班牙由于其优越的地理位置和气候,以及采用最现代的栽培、发酵和陈年的葡萄酒技术,提供了种类繁多的最高品质的葡萄酒,使我们成为世界第一大葡萄酒出口国。我希望第24届Interwine展会取得成功,并邀请您们今年八月在广州发现西班牙葡萄酒的高品质和多样性。
Aitor Mate
Constantions Liakos
Our Company Hellenic Agora Trading Limited and our 18 wineries that we represent from
Greece, are pleased to know that 24th Interwine China will be held on August 14th-16th 2020,
in Guangzhou, China.
During this special period after the epidemic, such an event could boost the recovery of the
wine business. China is the only market with full recovery from the epidemic, with great
potential for the Greek Wine & Spirits.
We wish great success to 24th Interwine China for all the participants, and we invite all the
wine lovers, professional consumers, and sophisticated people to come and try our Greek
Wines & Spirits!
Understand Wine, start from Greece!
Thank you,
Constantinos Liakos
Co-founder / CMO
在疫情爆发后的这段特殊时期,Interwine的酒展将会促进葡萄澳门最正规的游戏平台官网 务的蓬勃发展。
我们希望第24届Interwine China广州展会取得圆满成功,在此,我们邀请所有葡萄酒爱好者,专业消费者和经验丰富的人们来品尝我们的希腊葡萄酒与烈酒!
Constantions Liakos
Claudio Alegría
Queridos amigos de Interwine, soy Claudio Alegría, Managing Director Asia de Survalles Wine Group.
Estamos muy contentos de estar en Guangzhou una vez más. En esta ocasión estamos presentando uno de nuestros vinos premium Toro de Piedra, que cuenta con importantes reconocimientos internacionales, espero que lo puedan disfrutar.
Gracias a Interwine por el apoyo en esta feria, y en todas las actividades que han desarrollado durante este año. Han sido un excelente partner para promoción nuestros vinos, no solamente hoy, sino que durante los últimos años.
Han hecho un excelente trabajo en estos tiempos difíciles. Este es un año duro, con muchos desafíos por delante, pero también con muchas oportunidades por venir.
Un saludo y los invitamos a nuestro stand gracias!
Claudio Alegría
Managing Director Asia
Survalles Wine Group
尊敬的各位科通展会的朋友,你们好! 我是智利南方山谷澳门最正规的游戏平台官网 集团亚太地区董事长Claudio Alegría。
南方山谷澳门最正规的游戏平台官网 集团亚太地区 董事长
Claudio Alegría
Los Hermanos Moncayo gerentes de exportación de Bodega UCI, nos complace saber que la edición número 24 de Internwine se llevará a cabo este próximo agosto, ha sido un año difícil para todo el mundo y en China relentizo el crecimiento del mercado del vino, Interwine apunta a ser el pistoletazo de salido para las ferias de vinos como las conocíamos y creímos que no podíamos falta a un evento tan sumamente importante, Nos vemos del 14 al 16 de agosto en la primer gran feria del año INTERWINE
Will Moncayo director de exportación en Asía y Oceanía de bodegas UCI
Sveta Skliarova
Dear friends,
On behalf of Joseph Reso Pty Ltd (trading as Joseph Lions Wines), I express my respect and greetings to the organizers, exhibitors, and all audiences to the 24th Interwine 2020 in Guangzhou.
Wines market in China already becomes a particularly bright star in the night, especially in the current situation, and all of you are making it brighter, which will help us to keep the confidence.
As a new entrant, Joseph Lions Wines is closely following the strategy of keeping the essence of business – the combination of quality, service, and value, that is the direction which we insist at any time.
We launched a new business plan named "Polaris" recently, which aims to pay our tribute to anyone who keeps working hard to run their wines businesses in a tough situation. Please know that WE ARE TOGETHER.
Once again congratulations and may success stand by you in all your business.
Good luck to everyone, wish you the best of success in both exhibition and life.
Yours Sincerely,
Sveta Skliarova
Marketing Director,
Asia and Eastern Europe
我谨代表约瑟雷索资源公司(商号:Joseph Lions Wines 悦侯庄),向组委会、参展商和观众致以道贺和诚挚问候。
斯维塔 斯基里洛雅
Groupe TWL France
Depuis 2009 et notre première participation au salon Interwine, nous n’avons jamais raté une cession. Rita Jia et son équipe, on fait de ce salon un incontournable dans le monde du vin en Chine. Nous traversons des temps troubles, le business est difficile pour notre profession, mais par notre dynamisme, notre travail et notre passion, nous réussirons à vaincre ce mauvais temps. Nos clients sont notre bien le plus précieux, Interwine est l’occasion de les rencontrer, de les rassurer et de leur prouver notre attachement.
Patrice Bort
Groupe TWL France 董事长