The government agency FranceAgriMer said around 3m hectolitres needed distilling as a result of lower sales during the coronavirus crisis.
Winemakers have been hit by the closure of bars and restaurants in France and abroad. Exports to the US, which halved after the Trump administration introduced punitive 25% tariffs last October, fell further after the Covid-19 outbreak.
FranceAgriMer said that from Friday, 33 distilleries had been authorised to collect 2m hectolitres of unsold wine to transform it into ethanol or hydro-alcoholic gel in order to free up room in vintners’ caves for this year’s production.
The exceptional measure has been approved by Brussels, and the EU will finance the distillation, the agency added.
Winemakers have until 19 June to apply for the scheme and state how much wine they wish to transform. They will be paid €78 a hectolitre for appellation wine linked to a specific region and 58 for non-appellation.
The alcohol produced through the distilling process will be used by the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry and for the production of hand sanitising gel.
Didier Josso, the head of FranceAgriMer’s wine branch said: “The distilled wine will not in any case be used for the production of spirits.”
He added: “There will probably be a need to stock ethanol as well, but the quantity will be less significant than for wine.”
Around 500 Burgundy winemakers have donated 3,000 bottles, a third of them grands or premiers crus, to be auctioned in support of the region’s hospital staff. The first auction will take place on 13 June, and the grands crus will be auctioned on 22 June.
Burgundy winemakers say they have less stock than their counterparts in Bordeaux, but many have had only one full grape harvest in the last four years. Their vines were damaged by hail in 2016, by frost in 2017 and by frost and drought in 2019.
The Champagne region has been particularly hit by the coronavirus crisis, reporting drops in weekly sales of up to 64% during the lockdown compared with last year.
Italy’s winemakers are also ready to turn their produce into hand gel. In May the farming union Confagricoltura asked the government for authorisation and funding. The association aims to collect between 1.5m and 2m hectolitres of unsold wine and turn it into hand sanitiser.
The procedure requires a ministerial decree, which Confagricoltura hopes will be ready by the end of this month. Unless the wine stocked up in cellars is used, the sector faces the challenge of finding space for wine produced after this autumn’s harvest.
In Spain, the sherry firm González-Byass has been manufacturing 5,000 litres of hand gel for hospitals, care homes and Red Cross centres.
FranceAgriMer葡萄酒分部负责人Didier Josso说:“蒸馏的葡萄酒在任何情况下都不会用于生产烈酒。”
该程序需要通过农业部出台法令,Confagricoltura希望该法令能在本月底准备就绪。如果不将储存在酒窖中的葡萄酒处理掉,葡萄澳门最正规的游戏平台官网 将面临为今年秋季收获后的葡萄酒寻找生产空间的挑战。
本报记者 徐菲远 译自英国《卫报》