Across the globe, 80,000 people are currently infected with the virus. Cases have been found in Austria, Croatia, Canada, Italy, Iran and beyond. AS Chinese consumers cut back on drinking and crates of wine remain stuck at Chinese customs, winemakers and distributors are watching stocks fall and inventory build.
China is one of the world’s largest luxury markets, accounting for 30% of LVMH (Moet & Chandon, Dom Perignon, Cloudy Bay) sales and 10% of Pernod Ricard (Campo Viejo, Jacob’s Creek) sales.
The slowing of the market means that global brands are stumbling. Torres, Spain’s leading wine and brandy company, is expecting a major hit, anticipating an 80% drop in sales this month, and a 50% fall in March.
Bordeaux wines, popular in the Asian market, saw a record low according to Liv-ex, falling 38.3% in the week ending February 13, down from 48.8% the previous week.
The fallout is felt strongly in Australia—a particularly rough blow in the wake of the recent apocalyptic fires. Vineyards were damaged, and those that were not, suffer from smoke taint (a fault found when smoke absorbs into the skin of the grape, imparting a smoky, chemical flavor to the fruit).
Australia exports $1.3 billion a year to China, accounting for 20% of the national crop. According to exporters, sales are down 90% across January and February alone. On this trajectory, millions could be lost over the year.
The mammoth China Food & Drinks Fair in Chengdu in March has been postponed. Designed to promote Chinese liquors and connect global producers and distributors, the show attracts 3,000 exhibitors and 300,000 buyers annually. TaoWine, TWC Chengdu Fine Wine Showcase, China International Alcoholic Drinks Expo (CIADE) and Sud de France Wine Roadshow have all been canceled. Shows scheduled for May and beyond are moving ahead, for now.
The effects of coronavirus are particularly evident at ports, where a lack of customs staff means imports have slowed to a trickle.
A third of all Chilean wine is exported to China. Since the outbreak, exports have slumped 50% to 60%, with Chile blaming the downfall on both a slow in orders and a holdup at the ports.
Before coronavirus, China admitted up to 350 containers of Chilean wine a day. Now, an average of 50 cases per day pass through customs. The remaining cases sit in the port, unsold and unconsumed. Even with the backlog at the ports, few cases are being sold.
Howard Park owner Jeff Burch expects the worst. Park told the August Margaret River Times, that “There is a backlog on the [Chinese] docks, with none of it moving. The pipeline is so full it is going to take another 12 months to work through once this thing settles down.”
Brands are now trying to reroute China-destined shipments via other countries on the continent.
Italy, one of the world’s largest wine markets, may face similar rumblings soon. As of Tuesday, 50,000 people in 11 towns are under quarantine.
Another cause of concern: on-premise and off-premise venues are at a standstill. The China Culinary Association reported a 100% drop in operating income across 78% of businesses, meaning food & beverage venues are paying rent, wages, and insurance, but no money is coming back in.
With less diners and drinkers heading out, brands are looking to increased delivery efforts to make up for lost revenue.
Deliveroo has seen volumes increase 60% in January, with a dramatic growth in February.
Other alcohol delivery companies have seen a 50% growth over the first two weeks of February, and 60% prior to that over the Chinese New Year period.
Hindering this growth is a lack of drivers—many are scared to be in that close proximity with potentially contaminated strangers. With this issue, a new e-commerce term has been formed: contactless delivery. Couriers wear face masks and gloves, but never come in contact with the customer—they simply pick up a receipt, drop a package and continue on their route.
冠状病毒让葡萄澳门最正规的游戏平台官网 很受伤
中国是世界上最大的奢侈品市场之一,占LVMH集团销售额的30%,该集团旗下包括酩悦—轩尼诗(Moet&Chandon)、唐培里侬香槟王(Dom Perignon)、云雾之湾(Cloudy Bay)等顶级葡萄酒品牌。保乐力加(Pernod Ricard)销售额的10%来自中国市场,该集团拥有帝国田园(Campo Viejo)、杰西斯(Jacob's Creek)等知名葡萄酒品牌。
受疫情影响,原定于3月在成都举行的全国糖酒会已经被推迟。该展会旨在推广中国白酒并汇集全球生产商和分销商,每年吸引约3,000家参展商和300,000名买家。TaoWine精品酒店展、TWC君悦全球精品酒巡礼、中国国际澳门最正规的游戏平台官网 博览会和法国南部葡萄酒路演等活动都不得不取消。从目前看来,定于5月及之后举办的活动仍在进展中。
豪园酒庄老板Jeff Burch做了最坏的预测,他告诉《八月玛格丽特河时报》说:“ 货物积压在中国港口,没有任何动静。海关通道阻塞,即使恢复正常运转,也需要一年的时间才能处理完。”
编译:澳门庄闲网站游戏 记者 徐菲远