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The future looks bright for organic wine producers全球有机葡萄酒消费稳步上升
来源:中国澳门最正规的游戏平台官网 新闻网  2020-01-21 10:04 作者:记者 徐菲远
The consumption of organic wine has been forecast to reach around 1bn bottles per year worldwide in the next five years.

According to research from organic wine trade fair Millésime Bio, organic wine consumption is expected to increase to 976m bottles in 2023, a 34% jump from 729m last year. The new figures predict the consumption of organic wine will more than double from 441m bottles in 2013.

The study into organic wine trends in key global markets, commissioned by Millésime Bio organiser SudVinBio and conducted by The IWSR, predicts that organic wine will account for 3.5% of global wine consumption in 2023, up from 2.6% in 2018 and 1.5% in 2013.

Consumption of organic sparkling wine in France, Italy, Spain, Germany and the US rose at an average of 19.1% a year between 2013 and 2018. The trend is set to continue as the study forecasts an average increase in organic sparkling wine consumption of 8.2% a year in the five markets for the period 2018 to 2023.

"This new research demonstrates how more and more consumers around the world are choosing organic wines as they reject the use of pesticides and other unnatural products that damage the environment and can enter the food chain," said Nicolas Richarme, president of SudVinBio. "This trend will only increase as large and small vignerons switch to more sustainable winemaking, and retailers stock a larger range of organic wines to meet rising consumer demand."

Millésime Bio will take place in Montpellier, France between 27 and 29 January. 



根据Millésime Bio全球有机葡萄酒展的研究,到2023年,全球有机葡萄酒的消费量预计将增加到9.76亿瓶,比去年的7.29亿瓶增长34%,比2013年的4.41亿瓶增加一倍以上。

这项由MillésimeBio主办者SudVinBio委托葡萄酒与烈酒研究机构IWSR进行的关于全球主要市场有机葡萄酒消费趋势的研究预测,到2023年,有机葡萄酒将占全球葡萄酒消费量的3.5%,高于2018年的2.6%和2013年的1.5% 。


SudVinBio总裁Nicolas Richarme表示:“这项新研究表明,越来越多的消费者选择有机葡萄酒,因为他们拒绝使用农药和其他会破坏环境并进入食物链的非天然产品。这一趋势只会随着大大小小的生产商们不断转向更加可持续的葡萄酒生产而增加,零售商会储备更多种类的有机葡萄酒来满足不断增长的消费者需求。”

Millésime Bio全球有机葡萄酒展将于2020年1月27-29日在法国南部城市蒙彼利埃举办。

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