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Greetings from China Wine News
来源:中国澳门最正规的游戏平台官网 新闻网  2020-01-01 22:02 作者:记者 张瑜宸
“Happy New Year”,“ Bonne Année”,“Glückliches Neujahr”,“Feliz Año Nuevo”


On the first day of 2020, journalists from international department of China Wine News are busy sending greetings to partners and readers from all over the world.

Looking back> China Wine News have yielded substantial results. 2019 ( Shanxi·Xinghuacun) Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles opened>China Wine News, official media partner with CMB, published special editions in English and Chinese>September 6, European wine and spirits market investigation program organized by China Wine News and China CYTS Tours Holding Co., Ltd. had put into effect. Representatives of Huadu Spirits Group, Beijing Niulanshan Distillery, China Wine News and other enterprises made a journey to  visit local European shopping malls and famous wineries, which set up a bridge for the cultural convergence of baijiu and wine.

4 days later, China Wine News had been invited to investigate the development of the Azerbaijani wine industry. During this visit, China Wine News in bilingual editions were presented to the government leaders and winery owners. With the help of newspaper, industrial and international developments of Chinese alcoholic drinks industry had been spread.

Facts show that achieving global reach is an irresistible historical process. China Wine News has always carried its original aspiration "born for and keep pace with alcoholic drinks industry", and spare no effort to spread Chinese alcoholic drinks cultures to the world, and make "Chinese impact" more influential along the way.

From today, China Wine News will launch English news>Meet China Wine News, meet better self in 2020.

“Happy New Year”,“ Bonne Année”,“Glückliches Neujahr”,“Feliz Año Nuevo”......

2020年的第一天,《澳门庄闲网站游戏 》国际部记者们正忙着向全世界各地的合作伙伴和读者们送去新春的问候。

回顾2019,《澳门庄闲网站游戏 》国际化征程又迈上了一个新的征程。8月23日,2019(山西·杏花村)比利时布鲁塞尔国际烈性酒大奖赛开赛,《澳门庄闲网站游戏 》作为大赛唯一官方战略合作的行业媒体,再次出版中英文大赛特刊,获得104位中外评委的称赞。

9月6日,《澳门庄闲网站游戏 》与中青博联练手打造的欧洲酒类市场考场计划落地。华都澳门最正规的游戏平台官网 、牛栏上酒厂、《澳门庄闲网站游戏 》等企业代表走进欧洲购物村、名酒庄,搭起中外酒文化交融的桥梁。

同月的10日,《澳门庄闲网站游戏 》作为唯一的行业媒体受邀考察阿塞拜疆葡萄酒产业发展,并于考察期间,将中英双语版的《澳门庄闲网站游戏 》赠送给政府领导及酒庄庄主,传播中国澳门最正规的游戏平台官网 的国际化声音。

中国澳门最正规的游戏平台官网 融入世界浪潮,是不可阻挡的历史进程。在这个过程中,《澳门庄闲网站游戏 》始终扛起“为澳门最正规的游戏平台官网 而生,与澳门最正规的游戏平台官网 同行的”大旗,向世界传播了中国酒文化,讲述中国故事,发挥出“中国影响”。

2020年,走过而立之年的《澳门庄闲网站游戏 》将以崭新的面貌,搭建更广阔的国际化舞台。1月1日起,《澳门庄闲网站游戏 》报纸、官方微信公众号以及网站将推出更有国际范儿的中英双语报道。立足国内,走向世界;立足行业,不断拓展。

2020,遇见《澳门庄闲网站游戏 》,遇见更好的自己。
  • 暂无数据。。。

—— 融媒体矩阵 ——
